Monday 17 February 2014

T&H Miniature Review No.3

T&H Miniature Review
Another week has flown by and we've had another Dwarf kit released, only one box this week however. So here we go...

Ironbreakers & Irondrakes
Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs - Plastic Regiment Box - £30.00
This kit is similar too the Longbeard/Hammerer kit that which was released 2 weeks ago, however this kit has a couple of options that are brand new as well as a whole new unit.

The Ironbreakers are the first part of the kit, and boy do they look different compared to how they used to. The models haven't got the flat top helmets, and instead have got a newer round top, which seems to fit the artwork that GW have been producing over the years. Overall, it is nice to finally get a plastic kit for some old and tired miniatures, so lets have a look at their best features.

The shields look fantastic on these miniatures, and the armour is intrinsically detailed which leads to the brilliant beard protectors which hang down from the front of their armoured helm. They're not overly extravagant, but they look like tough Dwarfs which is effectively all you need. The kit has the option to allow the Ironbeard to carry a Drakefire Pistol as well as Cinderblast bombs that are clearly new upgrades to be found in the new army book - I guess these will add a little bit of flavour to people who perhaps have already got a horde of Ironbreakers. Out of the two kits I believe this is the strongest, however the Irondrakes are by no means the weaker looking of the two builds, it's simply the little additional touches on the Ironbreakers that make them stand out.

The Irondrakes are a 'new' unit entry in the Dwarf book and they sure do pack a hell of a punch! Their Drakeguns are something for a lot of heavily armoured foes to worry about, so beware if you're a Warrior of Chaos... (Doesn't really affect my naked Beastmen) The models essentially use the same body as the Ironbreakers, but the rest is totally different, and look comparatively alternative as an overall unit. My favourite element of the kit is that the Standard Bearer has the banner on his back allowing him to fire his weapon, it's the little touches like this that I love. The Trollhammer is also a nifty little extra that I think a lot of Dwarf generals will be taking and it seriously looks like it could do some damage...

Overall this kit is just as good as the Hammerer/Longbeard kit in style, but it just pips it in terms of finishing touches. I can definitely see a lot of Irondrakes running around the tabletop in a few months, and the Ironbreakers are every Dwarfs favourite choice. So well done GW smashing kit, now would it have hurt to release a few more? I think not, opportunity missed it seems.

T&H Score (9/10)

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