Saturday 15 February 2014

Gorgarron's Herd - Bestigor

Gorgarron's Herd - Bestigor
Now this has been a bit overdue for a few reasons, the first being that I've been without a descent camera for a little while, and secondly I've been re-basing my miniatures.

This section will be called Gorgarron's Herd, and it will be a collection of photos of my miniatures that I've collected over the years for my Beastmen army. So have a look, see what you think!

Who Is Gorgarron Though?
Well, where to start, he is the legendary Beastlord that is Gorgarron. And what Gorgarron is, is a legendary Beastlord that is mine... He truly is he only Beast that could lead this rabble of useless goats, and he's got a few stories to tell which I'll divulge in good time. Until then though, here is his finest warriors - the Bestigor.


  1. As a fellow Beastlord, I admit that your rabble looks good. If you would like to submit to Braahgha Split-Hoof he will allow you to take part in glorious destruction.

    Really though, looks good man and keep it up. You should come post on Herdstone.

    1. I might have to pop back over to Herdstone, not been on there for a long time. However I don't think they'll particularly enjoy the findings from the Questionnaire, it's enough to make a grown Bestigor cry...
