Sunday 2 March 2014

Warhammer Questionnaire - Dwarfs & Empire Feedback

Warhammer Questionnaire
Another day, and another bit of time to pull some statistics together, next two armies are Empire and Dwarfs.

Okay so the Empire are an interesting force, overall they are considered to be 6th most powerful which leaves them pretty high up however they're considered the most important army too the game. This is probably due to the fact that everything revolves around them making them the central premise for Warhammer Fantasy Battles. The next interesting point is that they're the second most likely to see on the gaming table, and the majority of people have collected an Empire army at some point in their lives. So in theory, there are more Empire armies out there than anything else, and they're one of the most common to find on the table. They're importance to the game is also evident as only 4% of people thought that they should be removed and the majority of them simply wanted them to be rolled into a generic 'Human' army. Overall it seems Empire are simply the most popular force which came as a real shock to me personally.
Dwarfs are in a bit of flux at the moment, they're new book has just been released and I'm sure a lot of people will be picking them up from scratch. These findings will not show any evidence of this, but there release will show a few new things.
Firstly they're considered the 10th strongest in power (again this is all unreflective now) and the 5th most essential to Warhammer, as they're one of the quintessential good guys. Despite their lack of updates they're the 5th most likely to be found on the table and I believe that a lot of people will pick up their old collections or start a new army to start playing with them. They're dead middle though in regards to people who've never collected them which means there's a good chunk of the fan base that have never collected a force, and this is where I think GW have missed a trick as a larger update would have brought more potential players into the fray - but oh well. Perhaps GW didn't want to update these guys as broadly because they believe that the Dwarf market is quite saturated considering that they're 5th in the overall scheme of things. Lastly the Dwarfs only had 2% of people on the back wanting to get rid of them, so like the Empire they're a loved army and not a lot of people want them gone. 

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